
Lightspeed sell cloud-based Point of Sale solutions for small and medium businesses worldwide. I worked at their marketing department for 3 years.

New homepage

This is the first section of the new homepage, showcasing the three different industries that we serve: Retail, Restaurant and Golf.

Dynamic business type selector

We decided to tailor all the website content to the user (usually business owners). With this module you can choose your specific business type.

A better navigation

With this new navigation, the user can choose to navigate either by business type or by product. Let’s say you own a quick service restaurant, it you pick “Quick service” from the navigation, you will land on a page tailored for your needs with a quick service specific sub-navigation.

Brand new forms

In a SaaS company, most of the sales come from the website. Forms are important, any friction can make the user abandon. For this project i did a lot of research on form validation best practices and came out with this. Inline validation, success and alert icons, but only show the error message when clicking on the field. We also A/B tested the two-steps form successfully.

Customer stories

Showcasing customers is a great way to show that our product can solve their day-to-day problems, and give them visibility at the same time. With that in mind i designed a slider module that we can use everywhere, the index page and the individual customer page layout.

Resources section

Lightspeed put a lot of efforts in providing quality content to small businesses. Here the user can download guides, watch videos or get various templates to help their business.

Interactive forms

For some users, filling a long form can be a blocker. People ask themselves why are we asking all of those questions, and bounce. Interactive form is the perfect solution to make the experience smoother for the user, and it allows us to gather precious information so we can send them the right offer.